What is Ubuntu Pro? All You Need to Know

What is Ubuntu Pro? All You Need to Know
What is Ubuntu Pro?

The Commercial Upgrade for Enterprise Users


Ubuntu, the popular open-source operating system, has been a staple for personal and business users for years. However, the recent launch of Ubuntu Pro takes the platform to the next level, providing an enterprise-grade solution for companies looking for a reliable and secure operating system. With its general availability, let’s explore what makes Ubuntu Pro a must-have for enterprise users.

Enhanced Security

One of the biggest concerns for businesses is the security of their systems and data. It addresses this issue by offering an enhanced security feature set, including live security patching, AppArmor confinement, and an extended support life-cycle. With these features, businesses can have peace of mind knowing that their systems and data are secure.

Improved Performance

It is designed for enterprise-level performance, offering faster boot times, lower memory usage, and improved overall system performance. The optimized software stack, combined with the latest hardware, provides a seamless experience for users, allowing them to be more productive and efficient.

Long-Term Support

One of the biggest challenges for businesses using open-source software is the need for long-term support. Ubuntu Pro addresses this by offering a ten-year support life-cycle, providing companies with the confidence to plan and implement their technology strategy without worrying about reaching end-of-life.

Cost-Effective Solution

Ubuntu Pro offers a cost-effective solution for businesses, providing enterprise-grade features and support at a fraction of the cost of proprietary alternatives. The open-source model also allows companies to customize the operating system to their specific needs, saving them time and money in the long run.

Community Support

Ubuntu has a large and active community of developers and users who contribute to the platform’s development. With Ubuntu Pro, businesses can take advantage of this community support and access a wealth of knowledge and resources. From forums to documentation, companies can find solutions to their challenges and have access to the latest software updates and bug fixes.

Integration with the Cloud

It is designed to work seamlessly with the cloud, allowing businesses to choose the deployment model that works best for their needs. Whether it’s on-premise, in the cloud, or in a hybrid model, Ubuntu Pro provides a consistent and reliable experience across all platforms. With its integration with the cloud, businesses can take advantage of the latest cloud technologies and improve their overall efficiency and productivity.

Certified Hardware and Software Partners

Ubuntu Pro has a comprehensive partner ecosystem, providing businesses with certified hardware and software solutions. This gives companies the confidence to know that their technology solutions are fully supported and compatible with Ubuntu Pro. With various hardware and software options, businesses can choose the best solutions for their specific needs and have peace of mind knowing that their technology will work seamlessly together.

Easy Migration

For businesses already using Ubuntu, the migration to Ubuntu Pro is easy and straightforward. With its compatibility with existing Ubuntu systems, businesses can easily upgrade to the latest version without having to worry about compatibility issues or data loss. The migration process is designed to be smooth and hassle-free, allowing businesses to take advantage of the latest features and benefits of Ubuntu Pro with minimal downtime.

Access to the Latest Software and Updates

Ubuntu Pro provides businesses with access to the latest software and updates, ensuring that their systems are always up-to-date and secure. With a focus on security and performance, businesses can rest assured that they are always running the latest and greatest version of Ubuntu Pro. Regular software and security updates keep the platform running smoothly and provide businesses with the latest features and bug fixes.

Technical Support

It provides businesses with comprehensive technical support, providing peace of mind knowing that their technology is in good hands. With access to a dedicated support team, businesses can quickly and easily resolve any issues they may face, reducing downtime and ensuring that their technology is always running smoothly. Whether it’s a software issue or a hardware problem, businesses can rely on Ubuntu Pro to provide the support they need.

You’ll be happy to learn that you may join Ubuntu Pro if you’ve been eager to do so. On long-term support releases, gain from improved security.

The public launch of Ubuntu Pro, a subscription-based service from Canonical that includes an additional 23,000 packages in the “universe” repository, as well as ten years of extended security updates for Ubuntu’s “primary” package set, has been announced.

On January 26, Ubuntu Pro became “wide availability” after being released in beta. The LTS versions of Ubuntu 14.04, 16.04, 18.04, 20.04, and 22.04 are all compatible with it.

This chart provides a quick and simple overview of the support:

Image: Canonical

Tens of thousands of Ubuntu users registered for the service during its beta phase, and according to Canonical, it is already in use “for large-scale customers offering global services.”

Ansible, Apache Tomcat, Docker, Nagios, Node.js, phpMyAdmin, Puppet, Python, Redis, Rust, WordPress, and more are just a few of the “thousands of apps and toolchains” that Canonical manages as part of Ubuntu Pro while still adhering to regulations like FedRAMP, HIPAA, and PCI-DSS.

Livepatch is also a feature of It. Kernel vulnerabilities with a critical or high severity can be patched “live” without rebooting thanks to a live patch.

Ubuntu Pro is free for personal use on a maximum of 5 PCs. It can be used for free on up to 50 PCs by Ubuntu members. A regular Ubuntu Pro membership for a workstation costs $25 per year for businesses, while a server subscription costs $500 per year. There is a free trial period of 30 days.

Visit ubuntu.com/pro for additional information.Source: Canonical


The launch of Ubuntu Pro marks a new chapter for the open-source operating system, providing businesses with a reliable and secure solution that is designed for enterprise-level performance. With its enhanced security features, improved performance, long-term support, community support, cloud integration, certified hardware and software partners, easy migration, access to the latest software and updates, and technical support, businesses can now have peace of mind knowing that their technology is in good hands. Upgrade to Ubuntu Pro today and experience the difference for yourself.

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