How to Become a Web Developer: A Step by Step Guide

How to Become a Web Developer: A Step by Step Guide
How to become a Web Developer: A Step by Step Guide

Today I thought about writing a blog article about how to become a web developer and how long it takes to become a web developer. Along with this article, I also thought to share a valuable Udemy web development course with you guys! 

You may also be eligible for a scholarship through platforms such as Udemy, Coursera, or Grow with Google. For further information, please follow this link.

Getting back on track, if you have an interest in entering the web development field, these are the steps to follow to go from zero to hero in the web development field.


When it comes to web development, HTML and CSS serve as the foundation which all other technologies are built upon. Despite advancements in libraries and frameworks, these two essential components remain irreplaceable. Having an in-depth knowledge of HTML and CSS, you will find it easier to grasp popular tools such as Bootstrap and Tailwind.You can follow these two steps to learn HTML/CSS.

Step 1: Learn the basics through a crash course.

For those seeking to learn the basics of HTML and CSS, Scrimba offers an excellent course. Alternatively, you can also find numerous project-based HTML/CSS tutorials on YouTube, providing an immersive and hands-on learning experience.

Scrimba(HTML/CSS) -

Step 2: Challenge yourself to create at least ten unique designs on your own.

The key to mastery of HTML and CSS is consistent practice.For those looking to enhance their HTML/CSS skills, Frontendmentor is a valuable resource that offers real-world projects to work on. Another great option is to visit the Dribbble website, where you can study and recreate designs to further your abilities.

Frontendmentor - 

ribble -

Learn the basics of JavaScript.

JavaScript is the language that brings interactivity to your website. This versatile language can be utilized for both front-end and backend development, making it a valuable tool for web developers.JavaScript is widely considered as one of the most in-demand languages to learn in today's technology landscape. For those seeking to gain proficiency in JavaScript, it is recommended to follow these steps:

Step 1: Watch a crash course and learn the basics.

For a quick and effective introduction to JavaScript, I suggest checking out a project-based crash course on YouTube, which should take approximately 3 hours. Additionally, the Scrimba website also offers a comprehensive course for those seeking a more structured learning experience.

Scrimba(JavaScript) -

Step 2: Create several small projects

Coding is a practical and useful skill that requires repetition and application to master fully. While tutorials can provide a helpful starting point, the best way to strengthen your coding abilities is to work on small projects that can be completed in a day or two. This allows you to apply your knowledge and develop a deeper understanding of the language.Here are a few examples of small projects you can work on to strengthen your coding abilities: 

  • A simple app or mini-game 
  • A browser extension 
  • A specific feature of a larger project 
  • Recreating an existing app from scratch

Take the time to search and discover app ideas on the web, and begin your coding journey by putting these ideas into practice.As a web developer, it is important to build up experience by working on several small projects. After completing 5 to 10 projects of this size, you can take on a larger application that addresses a need in your work or aligns with your personal interests. Keep in mind that developing a more substantial application will likely come with a set of challenges and problem-solving opportunities. To overcome these obstacles, you will need to sharpen your research and Google-searching skills, which are essential for success in the field.

Learn ReactJS

ReactJS is a solid foundation for modern web development and a highly regarded library among industry professionals. Its popularity and widespread use make it a crucial consideration in the hiring process for web development positions.Developing expertise in React will also make it easier to learn other popular frameworks like Vue and Angular. Here is a recommended path to learning ReactJS:

Step 1: Learn the basics by enrolling in a course.

As a crash course, I recommend this course called The beginners' guide to React. This is a very good and free course. Most of the time, this is the only course required for ReactJS.

The beginners' guide to React -

Step 2: Familiarize yourself with the documentation 

Being able to learn from the documentation is a crucial skill for any developer. Over time, you will find that reading and learning from documentation is more efficient than relying solely on videos. Additionally, many of the libraries you will work with will require you to use their documentation. The React documentation is known for its high quality and accessibility. 

Check out the ReactJS Docs at:

Step 3: Build Applications

The most effective way to gain proficiency in both JavaScript and ReactJS is to use ReactJS to build incrementally, starting with projects you are already familiar with from your prior experience with JavaScript.Then, challenge yourself to create a slightly larger project based on your own ideas.By the time you have completed two or three real-world applications using this approach, you will have acquired a strong foundation of the fundamental knowledge required for a junior front-end developer.If you want to work as a full-stack developer, you can continue your learning journey by following these steps.

Learn NextJS

Transform yourself from a frontend-only developer to a full-stack master with NextJS, the most sought-after React framework. Unlike other complex full-stack frameworks, NextJS provides an accessible and efficient path to full-stack development.Accelerate your learning progress by utilizing a combination of the following methods:

  • Study the extensive documentation and watch video tutorials.
  • Put your skills into practice by building apps on your own.

By utilizing both methods, you'll have a well-rounded understanding of NextJS and become a full-stack developer in no time.

Learn ExpressJS

ExpressJS is a versatile JavaScript library that enables you to construct the backend of web applications with ease. To enhance its functionality, you can integrate a database by utilizing an Object Relational Mapping (ORM) tool, such as Prisma.Upon completing your study of ExpressJS, you will have acquired a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental concepts and skills required to pursue a career as a full-stack developer.

10 Best Websites to Learn Online

Explore the Best Online Learning Platforms for Free and Enhance Your Skills:

  • This website offers some of the world's top courses for free.
  • This platform is ideal for learning about Technology, Creativity, and Business Knowledge.
  • If you want to improve your skills, Udemy is the right place for you.
  • This website is also a great place to upgrade your skills.
  • This website provides online streaming courses in areas such as coding, marketing, and creativity.
  • Here, you can learn coding through practical exercises.
  • This website helps you learn HTML, CSS, and how to create iPhone apps.
  • Within a month, you can learn to create apps and web applications through this platform.
  • Through this website, you can learn a language in approximately 200 hours.
  • Udacity offers short-term courses on topics such as Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, and Programming.

There are many more websites available to help you learn new things. 


In conclusion, becoming a web developer requires combining technical skills and a passion for learning and problem-solving. The journey can seem overwhelming, but anyone can become a successful web developer by breaking it down into smaller steps and continuously learning and practicing. Don't be afraid to seek help and resources, such as online tutorials and forums, to guide you along the way. With persistence and hard work, you will be well on your way to a rewarding career as a web developer.It's time to share your thoughts on the steps discussed in this article on how to become a web developer. Your feedback will be incredibly valuable in improving the content of this site. Don't hesitate to leave a comment below, sharing your insights and experiences on the journey to becoming a web developer. Your input will help others who are just starting out or looking to take their skills to the next level. Together, we can build a supportive and informative community for aspiring web developers.

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